
热搜: dim 原套 自配
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本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 [转换] 我收集的线号转换、色卡等内容,给大家交流. attachment  ...23456..42 jjmm 2007-2-8 62559529 fjm_51 2024-2-23 16:41
[转换] DIM03837玫瑰花环 DIM线号转 DMC线号 attachment agree  ...2 wsq 2013-9-27 273448 sad88 3 天前
[转换] DMC线号统计表(统计自己的DMC线线用) attachment agree  ...23456 桃笑 2008-7-27 847794 chrissie83 2024-3-9 19:12
[转换] 推荐一个转线号的网站,能进行DMC、DIM、ANC、Bucilla等的互转 attachment agree  ...2345 露卡 2010-3-4 728764 dxiang 2023-12-14 14:51
[转换] dim-dmc/anchor绝对官方转换表 attachment  ...23456..8 tugumi 2007-8-14 10915633 zayy 2023-10-25 03:15
[转换] 线号转换及色卡DMC_ANCHOR_SEMCO_MADEIRA_J&P_COSMO_OLYMPUS_YD_COLOR attachment  ...23456..8 Veronica 2009-1-13 11114906 Shizx001 2023-9-10 15:02
[转换] DIM-DMC-KS线号转换表 attachment 果粒橙芬 2017-3-2 141483 qsdmx923 2023-6-19 17:53
[转换] 给大家一个线号转换表DIM-DMC-ANC attachment agree  ...2345 叶落霜林 2007-2-2 6511877 qsdmx923 2023-6-19 17:52
[转换] DIM&DMC线号转换表 attachment  ...234 songzaoxueren 2010-6-19 506280 qsdmx923 2023-6-19 17:49
[转换] madeira-coats-dmc色卡 attachment  ...2 jhm3507 2009-2-27 274088 qsdmx923 2023-5-22 16:55
[转换] Kreinik彩丝线与DOME之间的转换 attachment agree z0411598 2007-2-6 141911 qsdmx923 2023-5-8 16:33
[转换] ANC的线号表来了(重新更正过) attachment 小可6886 2021-3-10 2253 qsdmx923 2023-5-5 12:07
[转换] DMC-----Bucilla 线号转换表 attachment  ...2 shadowfox 2007-5-28 223288 qsdmx923 2023-4-13 12:17
[转换] Anchor与DMC转换表 attachment agree  ...2 雪月 2007-3-27 172741 mayidingcq 2023-3-27 16:32
[转换] DMC的各种线转换表 attachment  ...2 安吉吉 2008-4-30 161896 小傀心 2022-11-30 02:04
[转换] DMC线色对应RGB颜色库 attachment agree  ...2 haynns 2007-3-16 262826 yuloujun 2022-10-17 21:09
[转换] 自己做的dim线号表 Excel表格的 奉献啦! attachment agree  ...23456 小袖子 2009-9-28 8310653 大猫@绣 2022-9-17 16:55
[转换] 推荐一个线号转换网站anc_dmc_dim_bucilla attachment  ...234 blacknut 2007-8-22 477309 bonieyu 2022-9-9 20:07
[转换] WIN转DMC线号表(全) attachment digest  ...234 zdnlyl 2007-4-21 454776 Yvettezhang 2022-8-10 07:17
[转换] Millhill与DOME彩珠对照 attachment  ...2 tx1986 2007-3-24 251941 lijuanonce 2022-7-11 21:34
[转换] YEIDAM----DMC attachment kylie 2007-2-5 141585 Rosedee 2022-7-10 18:46
[转换] K線轉PB線對號表 attachment agree  ...2 carly 2016-8-26 191706 Rosedee 2022-7-10 03:16
[转换] DMC各线色的英文描述 attachment agree  ...23456..8 拿鱼 2007-4-17 1169055 hgnzxh 2022-3-23 21:27
[转换] 各种绣线线号转换表(DMC-ANC-OLYMPUS-COSMO) attachment agree  ...23456..9 vivienqsun 2007-3-6 12016638 selience 2022-3-19 00:17
[转换] Kreinik Silk Mori转DMC,ANC attachment sufanso 2021-6-4 2194 调皮捣蛋的猫咪 2022-1-10 16:54
[转换] DIM蝴蝶森林转DMC线号 attachment agree  ...2 微微透明 2011-6-13 161640 且行且珍惜 2021-12-11 09:57
[转换] Needlepoint.Inc丝线NPI转DMC表 attachment  ...2 叶子蔷薇 2016-2-20 183256 jackeyloray 2021-11-29 13:56
[转换] DMC线号表来了! attachment 小可6886 2021-3-11 7533 zhanghui8628 2021-10-11 15:17
[转换] Madeira to DMC 转换表 attachment  ...23 celera 2007-5-26 314260 wintinsky221 2021-9-5 11:04
[转换] win-dmc线号转换 attachment renne3112 2009-5-6 81029 大师兄茜茜 2021-7-14 16:07
[转换] DOME的珠子与millhill公司珠子的转换 attachment  ...2 yhxvv 2008-5-21 203967 烟雨千行泪 2021-4-29 19:04
[转换] 转换表Dome-DMC-Ancher attachment  ...23 乐乐456 2007-2-5 365274 童峰 2021-3-30 12:19
[转换] GAMMA-DMC-ANC转换网站 harashi. 2010-1-21 51525 Zoer 2021-3-7 17:14
[转换] 自制的绣线管理工具 attach_img agree  ...23456..8 holiholi 2009-7-21 11011623 小可6886 2021-2-28 15:11
[转换] TG479-ISTANBUL 伊斯坦布尔 attachment agree  ...2 bhqt 2012-6-5 173429 heimi8887387 2021-2-25 14:07
[转换] Dim 70-08833 给雪人的吻 的 DMC线号 attachment agree  ...23 air_chun 2011-10-8 314955 irismoon 2020-11-2 13:40
[转换] 日本网站上看到的ANC与DMC线号转换表,大家看看吧 attachment  ...23 angang26 2008-1-18 315289 身朵身朵2020 2020-6-3 16:36
[转换] 也传DOME-DMC,这个线号多一些 attachment agree  ...23 蝴蝶自在 2007-3-14 373946 俗不可耐 2019-5-19 07:32
[转换] 圣诞归来(山寨版)调整后的线号转换 attachment agree  ...23456..10 amy7201 2012-5-1 14514512 蝉荷流影 2018-10-9 10:54
[转换] 发个德国线号转换表 attachment agree  ...2 ll-jj 2011-6-12 161897 ywang6 2018-8-14 11:09
[转换] 【chun 】DIM 13720 DMC线号 attachment  ...2 air_chun 2013-5-5 232898 kindaichipan 2017-11-10 09:31
[转换] finca dmc 互转线号表 attachment agree  ...2 树上的小猫 2016-5-26 161918 hellosusu 2017-8-28 17:32
[转换] VH和HF与DMC的转换表 attachment apple_wendy 2011-7-27 131853 bibibaba 2017-5-3 10:00
[转换] 十字绣线dim、dmc、anc、J & P Coats转换表(全)  ...2 cx814788 2007-10-21 233813 amy5205240 2017-2-18 23:17
[转换] 【chun 】DIM65090 打盹猫猫 DMC线号 attachment agree air_chun 2012-5-26 82461 小花是兔纸 2017-2-8 10:14
[转换] 35157 cafe by the sea转换DMC - [阅读权限 30]attachment agree  ...2 shura 2011-6-20 291088 紫色鸢尾w 2016-5-8 07:28
[转换] dome 转dmc表格 attachment  ...2 summer_pujite 2008-6-23 172334 绣绣哈哈 2016-5-7 19:08
[转换] Needlepaints轉換線號表 attachment agree carly 2016-4-17 121004 shirleysai 2016-4-18 16:40
[转换] Mill Hill to Delica 轉換表 attachment agree  ...2 carly 2016-1-16 163022 抱抱宝宝 2016-1-24 19:14
[转换] 刚找到的MH珠子颜色描述,以及DMC-MH【最新版】 attachment  ...234 看板娘 2009-2-5 505836 zzfhqsm 2015-8-28 12:17
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